Rohan Singh (born April 23, 1990) transformed his childhood fascination with technology into a career as a modding pioneer. As the founder of, a top destination for Android game customization, he champions the limitless potential of mobile gaming. Modding Visionary: Rohan Singh Gender: Male Year of birth: April 23, 1990 Hometown: Mumbai, India Academic level: Bachelor of Computer Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Delhi Some details about life Rohan Singh's fascination with technology ignited in the bustling city of Mumbai. While his formal education provided a strong foundation, his true expertise blossomed through countless hours spent dissecting games, apps, and technology. A self-described tinkerer, his curiosity and drive propelled his exploration of Android modding. In 2022, Rohan realized his vision of a community-driven modding hub with the launch of His commitment is to provide safe and accessible tools for customization while advocating for ethical practices within the modding community. Rohan Singh's passion for technology ignited in Mumbai. Formal training was merely a stepping stone; his true education came from tirelessly breaking down games, apps, and gadgets. This relentless curiosity led him to Android modding and, in 2022, the creation of - a hub for those who share his passion. Work experience | 2022 - Present Position: Founder and Lead Developer MODIndi Technology | 2019 – 2021 Position: Lead Developer Freelance Modding Consultant | 2015 – 2018 AppSpire Technologies | 2012 – 2014 Position: Junior Android Developer Certificates Android Application Development Certification Cybersecurity Specialist Certification Skills Android Development Mastery Reverse Engineering Expertise Proficient in Multiple Programming Languages Creative Game Customization Mod Tool Development Security-Conscious Leadership Community Focused
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