Before players head out to search for Anima They will need to know how they can convert it into usable currency

Before players head out to search for Anima They will need to know how they can convert it into usable currency


There are a few different kinds of currency players will    require to collect for cosmetics , quality-of-life enhancements and cosmetics to upgrade their quality of life in WOW Classic TBC. One of the more prominent currencies available in the expansion is Anima. As opposed to Artifact Power as well as Azerite from previous expansions, players will want to farm Anima to enhance their Covenant's Sanctum which acts as the character's home base cosmetics, as well as Adventure Table missions, among other things that are not directly linked to their progression. Anima is the basis for souls within World of Warcraft lore. There are numerous ways to earn it but drop probabilities will vary across activities.

Anima drops as Anima items that have to be converted into currency to be used. There are three types of Anima that will drop when you complete a quest or activity that awards a certain amount: Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. When it comes to farming, Uncommon and Rare are, as expected, easier to find. Players must also achieve 1000 Anima every week to earn one Renown rank in their Covenant this makes it an important element of the game on WOW Classic TBC. Here are some methods to farm Anima for WOW Classic TBC and what players can make use of it to use it for.

Before players head out to search for Anima They will need to know how they can convert it into usable currency. Each Anima item rarity is equated to an amount of spendable Anima. Uncommon Anima items reward 5 Anima, Rare Anima items provide 35 points, in addition, Epic Anima items reward 250. Players will very rarely meet Epic Anima items and will have more success finding Uncommon and Rare types.

To convert Anima, players will need to go to your Covenant's Sanctum Upgrade NPC. There is an interaction feature that lets the user transfer everything Anima items into their Anima Reserves. It is necessary for players to perform this in order to earn weekly 1000 Anima required to increase their Renown. It is recommended that players convert their Anima items often, as they'll be taking up inventory space that can be better used for new loot.

There are many possibilities to harvest Anima within WOW Classic TBC. They include:

Completing World quests

Opening chests marked or unmarked

Fighting rare beasts

Clearing dungeons

Completing weekly Covenant quests

Killing mobs

Killing enemies in PvP

Because a variety of activities bring in or   reward Anima items and items, it shouldn't prove difficult or a hassle.Anima is a great way to create cosmetic or quality-of-life enhancements to the Sanctum. The Sanctum is the main base of the player when they are aligned with the Covenant that is worthy of investment to improve. While players have the option of prioritizing any Sanctum upgrades they want certain upgrades are more effective than other ones and should be purchased first.
