World of Warcraft Classic' introduction initially

World of Warcraft Classic' introduction initially


Players from  the Alliance and the Horde cut through the Scourge's ranks before descending deep into the dark halls of Icecrown, battling to the death in a desperate effort to save Bolvar and bring an end to Arthas' rule for good. A number of major figures from the lore lend their support, such as WoW's faction leader from both the Alliance as well as the Horde, Sylvanas Windrunner, Jaina Proudmoore, and Varok Saurfang. There were many others eager to find Arthas the Lich King's reign to an end. Canonically, the players actually cannot defeat Arthas by themselves, and if not for being aided by Tirion Fordring, Arthas may have raised the greatest of Azeroth's champions as undead to replace the underlings that they had killed. Tirion with the Ashbringer was able to smash the Lich King's cruel blade Frostmourne, causing a cascade of vengeful souls to fall upon his. The moment that Tirion struck, Arthas met his end, and Azeroth felt a sigh relief.

But even without Arthas as well as another World of Warcraft Lich King to take over the reigns The Scourge would infiltrate the entire world, destroying everything. Bolvar Fordragon, scarred beyond recognition by the dragons' fire He volunteered to bear such a burden. Bolvar donned the famous Helm of Domination, sealing himself within the Frozen Throne forever, where it would be the barrier between the hoards of undead that remain and the innocents of Azeroth. Bolvar's sacrifice of a noble nature was kept secretbecause the Highlord was not interested in having anyone to find him, and thought it better to keep him in the memory of the world solely as an hero who died for his people. At long last, the Scourge had been defeated, Azeroth's heroes could go homewith knowing that they had put many big evils to rest. But as is always the scenario in World of Warcraft, the final battle of one cataclysm is followed by another.

Blizzard Entertainment's official website mistakenly published the name of World of Warcraft's next expansion called Dragonflight The publisher is planning to unveil in full later this month. Except for the 2022 release of Burning Crusades Classic, the 2020 release of World of Warcraft Classic constitutes World of Warcraft's last major expansion. The initial anniversary of World of Warcraft Classic didn't bring much faith to long-time fans, many of which were dissatisfied with the numerous delays and unsatisfactory updates that indicated a lack of direction.

World of Warcraft Classic' introduction initially renewed excitement for the game in many ways; however the rush of new content dropped did not last for very long. New features added like the Covenant has divided the players, long periods of inactivity between updates prompted many players to  step away and abuse claims concerning Activision Blizzard left countless World of Warcraft gamers reeling. An exodus of players from WoW eventually culminated in Final Fantasy XIV receiving an impressive increase in players, too. But Blizzard's coming announcement of a completely new World of Warcraft expansion could be the solution the MMO requires to get back some of its momentum.
