Blizzard will also be more active with the community

Blizzard will also be more active with the community


"I believe  that people should be content," Hamilton said in reference to Sylvanas"story. "There always will be those who aren't. It's a fine line walk, and we try our best. We strive to tell the most compelling story we can, and make sure that the characters are properly represented and defined."

Patch 9.2 will be released in what is an important moment for Blizzard's popular MMORPG of 18 years old and the company itself. A lot of the assumptions that have been held for a long time regarding the nature of WoW is changing and there is no better example than the coming feature that allows players from both the Horde and Alliance to team together to play content such as raids and dungeons, to the first time. The feature will not come in patch 9.2 and instead will be added in patch 9.2.5 The positive feedback from fans about this significant change has proven to be validating, Dawson said.

"We had hoped for the players to view the same way that we saw it that it was an effort to get players to play with each other and enjoy themselves," Dawson said. "Play WoW the way you would like, and enjoy the premium games with your friends regardless of the decision on the screen for character selection to select Horde and Alliance."

Blizzard will also be more active with the community with regards to the future of the game than it has ever been before. Alongside being responsive to feedback from players generally, Blizzard recently implemented the WoW Community Council which is an exclusive forum for invite-only players to cover a broad portion of the player base. 9.2 is the latest patch to add content. 9.2 will be the game's first update to content since the council's inception and is yet another method Blizzard is seeking to be more responsive to the game's diverse and vast community.

"The community in general is likely to have the greatest influence I've observed in how to proceed with the  PTR cycle for this content update" Dawson said. "It's amazing to look at what we've done and the responses from the community and their appreciation that we've been able take into consideration, modify and make sound decisions."
