To stop this, you'll have to have the Mortal Strike of some kind such as an aim shot or wound poison, Mortal Strike some sort of healing reduction, or crowd control CC to make up for that healing reduction. You may not notice this initially in the initial season of wrath but as wrath's wrath continues go along, you'll just notice how insane healers are and you'll notice how much more difficult it will be able to kill targets.
The first class we'll begin with is warrior. Out of the three specs that they are required to file, they're called arms warrior including arms warrior and protection warrior. There's also a revenge spec , you have talked about that in the future. Arms warriors are much different that they were in TBC to the wrath of the Lich King. You're spending the majority of time in battle posture now because it increases the armor's penetration.
There are some things that you can do such as overpower if you cast overpower as an enemy casts it. Overpower will reduce damage by 50% and healing . Bladestorm is also available and you're also able charge in combat protection warrior has some insane utility, being able to blink when silence is able to use all of your attacks and intercepts while in a defensive stance. There's shockwave, you've got concussion hit you've had this morning and an insane amount of utility particularly mass spell reflect. And my favorite talent out of the protection treat is intercede. can actually damage your roots.
To get rid of SLOs there's also a revenge spec warrior which is a arms warrior, however instead of the remainder of the points being in the tree of fairy, these are part of the protection tree and have points going all the way to the last stand aswell for a better revenge. This is really only good against targets who attack you.