Are you just getting honor

Are you just getting honor


Are you just getting honor faster and order more honor? However, it's still the best thing I guess for especially for  solo players to do and I'm sure there could be that there are players in a slumber thinking that you already know this. I know. I know we have to take our time to ensure that we get the highest honor, but I am also aware that there are some players who do not want to line up in battlegrounds because they're scared and don't really know how to win a lot honor. And most of players aren't sending out an A triple, they're directly spamming wars and Gulch Witches. Which is fine since bars are a weekend which gives double honor.

However, how do you intend to get into a 10 one-on-10 battle when the opposite action has probably superior gear because the alliance will be awarded the higher honors due to the ultra-rich ballet, and if you play a lot of theater you'll sit fasten your honor cap as I mentioned earlier, this part is not specifically designed to make your season more enjoyable. the Delta specifically designed to help you get the honor cap you need to spend it on your level of PvP equipment.

And this is in my opinion, the most efficient way to gain access pre pitch to faciles on working on artwork. Bali is very chill and friendly  and you won't take part in much, and if you do, you interact with many groups that might have equipment and may be able to help out in certain circumstances.

What do you think about this, do you think actually give the most honor or do you did something different to get actually our honor or something else? If you do, ever let me know in the comment section down below and if you aren't already subscribed, be sure to sign up to my channel so that you don't delay a video I'm putting out.
