This isn't the case in the present WOTLK

This isn't the case in the present WOTLK


I personally am going to be able to use a rogue for farm on those new servers I'll be rolling for the pre patch. pre patch got I can't wait Look, I'm sweating like I'm extremely hot here, but come pre patch we'll certainly have a rogue to be doing precisely this. This is the moment I realize that I've already told you all the easy bits. But I haven't shared the one thing you should be watching out for.

In fact, I'm going to show you my dying. It's not like I did one run, and then think that's awesome. I've done numerous runs, I've been locked out three to four times. It's likely that I've done 15 to 20 runs. If you pull these at the wrong time it will be obvious that there is a dark iron giant in the background and your chain is absolutely everything. If you don't have the most powerful gear, you will die. I did not put up an obnoxious fight.

But ultimately, I did die. That's a return that made this walk take too long. If we speed forward I'll show you how you actually do it. You'll need to look at that square, and wait until it's out of reach. Once it's out of your range and you are able to pull without pulling chains, you're only going to have three to four non elites to deal with and as long as you've got Blade Flurry. And it's not going to be an issue in any way. You can then sit here and mine, and at level 82, patrol won't even be an issue.

It's worth bearing in mind If you're not at level 80. It could be necessary to wait until it's on its way back again. Personally, as I'm at level 80, I can just sit there and hug the wall, not having to worry about it in any way. If you're 7677 , or 75, in the event that you're doing this very early, be sure to pay attention to that guard and wait until it walks away before you can begin mining, and that's all there is to it.

None of them is particularly difficult to obtain. You don't need to kill elites for any or any other reason. You can also get to guaranteed saronite veins every Tuesday. 

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