While a beefy content drop arrives with a progression

While a beefy content drop arrives with a progression


There were definitely more than a few eyebrows raised when the  first official Half-Life game in well over a decade was announced as VR only. However, any fears were immediately allayed when people actually got their hands on this masterpiece.

A prequel that takes place before Half-Life 2, this is not one of those throwaway VR experiences. This is a fully-realised entry into the series with excellent level design, shooting that feels punchy and responsive, and an emotional narrative that fits nicely alongside the other Half-Life games.

And then there’s the VR itself. Quite simply, Half Life: Alyx is one of the best VR games ever made – let alone best PC games. The way you can interact with the world around you is nothing short of staggering in a way most other VR games don’t get close to. If you’re still not convinced about VR gaming then Half-Life: Alyx could well be the game that converts you.

Technically, Escape From Tarkov hasn17;t even launched yet. Realistically, it17;s one of the most accomplished PVPVE (player vs player vs enemy, or AI) shooters out there with top-notch gunfights, a fully functioning economy and

While a beefy content drop arrives with a progression-obliterating wipe every six months or so, the game has a constantly shifting meta. Early on in the wipe, submachine guns and light armour are common, as the player-driven economy swells as a result of all of the loot being pulled out of the game and sold to traders and other players, you17;ll start seeing impenetrable commandos tooling around with high speed, low drag kit.

Escape From Tarkov is absolutely brutal but has a compelling mix of complex   systems and risk and reward mechanics that will keep you coming back time and time again until the game breaks you or you break it.
